Thank you for agreeing to participate in a Free Open Trial of our IPFingerprint software for your website.
To set the trial up, we will simply need you or your web developer to install our dedicated WordPress Plugin.
To install our Plugin, please follow these simple steps:
Download our dedicated WordPress Plugin from here > [DOWNLOAD] Once the Plugin has downloaded, open your website’s WordPress Admin Panel.
Click “Plugins” and then “Add New” (please note do not unzip the file).
Now click “Upload Plugin” (located at the top of the page).
Click “Choose file” and navigate to the previously downloaded zip file named “”.
Click “Install”, once the plugin has been installed then click “Activate Plugin“.
You will have a new option appear beneath your settings panel called “IPFingerprint” click this panel.
You will be then asked to enter an IPFingerprintAccount ID. Your unique four digit ID can be located in the email we sent to you after you applied for a Free Open Trial. Once the ID has been entered and saved, IPFingerprint will begin collecting visitor data.
Secure login details will be sent to you once your trial has been approved (please note approval time can be 0-6 hours) for you to view and manage visitor data.
If you have any questions or would like some assistance in setting up your Free Open Trial of IPFingerprint, please contact us on+44 (0)330 024 0477.